Published inRe:PublicIs it Time for BCDevExchange2.0?“Selling software to the government is notoriously hard and not something most engineers would even think about doing. [However,] we think…Nov 12, 2024Nov 12, 2024
On Resilience & Public Service (Week)An open share* of a Public Service Week message to BC Parks HeadquartersJun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Weeknote: May 6, 2022 — On dancing with complexity, leaving patterns on the dance floorConsidering the de/merits of org structures, org design and governance, as typically definedMay 10, 20221May 10, 20221
Weeknotes: April 29, 2022 — Begin Anywhere, Fall Down, Get Up, Keep GoingOn beginning anywhere, falling down along the way, and continuing to get up… (aka my first weeknote :) )Apr 30, 2022Apr 30, 2022
Setting a Renewed Intent at BC ParksSome personal reflections upon the launch of beta.bcparks.caJan 29, 2022Jan 29, 2022
Flow With ItWhen we sent a group of elite athletes on a three-day escape in the Pacific Northwest, what we got was even flow…May 27, 2021May 27, 2021
Published inferalThe Cult of Cold WaterIt seems getting cold is the pandemic’s hot-ticket item.Apr 6, 2021Apr 6, 2021
People of the Wild: Rumon Carter & Jennie SprigingsPeople of the Wild was a blog series profiling residents of BC who have one thing in common: their love for exploring the BC wild.Mar 22, 2021Mar 22, 2021
Published inThe ExchangeCommon Components: Bringing Common Solutions to Common Challenges in the BC GovernmentOver the past few years, the Exchange Lab has hosted dozens of digital teams solving government priorities, from climate action to patient…Feb 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020